Friday, May 11, 2012


I started making these cute little princess bags (inspired by a girl and a glue gun) for my daughters birthday party. I was so excited about these bags and made two last week for a birthday party. Well, I was trying to be cheap, I mean frugal, and bought the bags at the dollar tree. Bought the tulle and ribbon and started dreaming of princesses! Well my dreams were cut short when I gave myself a few blisters, messed up a bag, and then as I thought..."an iron-on would be cute" and so I put the Iron to the bag and look below to see what happens when you add heat and pressure to something that is apparently plastic or something obviously not fabric.
Well, its good I had extras. The bags turned out great and the kiddos loved them. (I found out that my little sisters cut the bottom of the bags to make princess dresses for their dolls, how cute and innovative!) I may have to make some dresses now:).
Thanks for stopping by, it's summer break now, so hopefully I will post more blogs soon!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Time flies!

3 years ago, I was in a hospital bed blowing bubbles with bubble yum gum and joking around with my besties, my husband, and my parents...patiently awaiting for my daughters arrival. I had an epidermal at about 4 1/2 centimeters because apparently my doc on call loved me!!! I kept poking my legs and saying "look guys, I can't feel anything!" I think I was getting delirious waiting for my baby girl. She was 10 days late and I was ready to meet her!!! I had an amazing pregnancy and fantastic delivery and then we had a rough two years with lots of hospital visits and a broken bone. If you have a child that has/had Hirschsprungs or a broken femur, I would love to hear your story. Email me or comment below.
Anyway, I can't believe that my sweet baby girl is turning three! Time truly flies when you are having fun. Our little girl is just so amazing! I love her more than I ever thought possible!!! She has brought so much joy and happiness into our lives.

In honor of her birthday, I decided (at 7:30pm at night) to make her a birthday outfit. So here it is, it only took about 1 1/2 hours and I think she will love it! I took an old t-shirt and cut out ovals of fabric for balloons and used heat-bond to secure them, sewed them on an old shirt and made a skirt to match, added some embellishment stitches and voila!

I will try to take pics of her wearing it! Let me know what you think!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Craft ADD

My mind is constantly going, going, going! Unfortunately, it's usually going in different directions. I've always had problems focusing on one thing for a long period of time. In college my professor told me I should be tested and be put on meds, but really I had made it to college, what was that going to help? Seriously should have reconsidered that advice....!!!

:) I have made it 31 years, a few broken bones, a few stories to tell, and am so happy in my life. I have a wonderful husband (truly amazing!), a beautiful intelligent daughter, and a great job, BUT, I can't seem to clean one full room in our house at one time. I clean up stuff all the time, do dishes, pick up toys, but what the heck, I just can't seem to stick to completing a task in one sitting. I think that is why my credit sucks. :/ oh well, back to the point....

Ive been having trouble focusing on my crafting. I have so many fun things like hair accessories, keychains, crayon holders, and hand bags, but finishing more than one or a couple seems out of my realm of thought... and or attention span. Any advice in how to help my problem???? Until I can focus, I will continue to blog and craft random stuff. My next project.......bracelets for Relay for life for my mom. (sorry if I just ruined the surprise mom, I just hope I get them done.) Until then, here is a picture of a crayon holder for my daughter when we are out and about. This was inspired because I took crayons in my purse when we went out to eat a few weeks ago and forgot one. Well, a warm day+purse in car=melted crayon in my purse. Good thing I made the purse and it's washable:)

Let me know what you think...