Friday, June 21, 2013

Baby it's HOT out there...

So it's officially summer! I've had the last three weeks off! And, 5 more to go with my sweet girl! It is going by SO fast though. I love having time off with Lyla, even though it means we are totally broke. :) 
We have been doing all kinds of fun things and I love finding new ideas. It's obviously no surprise that I love Pinterest, it's sort of an addiction! (I'm sure we could all start a group.) I pinned a few things recently that I wanted to try. One of those is "snow." Snow sounded great considering we have been spending quite a few days out in the sun and heat. How do you make "snow" in the middle of summer you ask??? Two simple ingredients...
Super cheap shaving cream and cornstarch. Yep, a whopping $2.52. You may even have these two ingredients in your home which makes it even better (FREE)! 
We took a container, poured some corn starch in, (half the box at least) and squirted the shaving cream! There is no scientific measurements here, just make a mess! After you add the shaving cream...get your hands in and start mixing. It creates a moldable foam type consistency. That sounds scientific right? Anyway, It holds shape pretty well. We used some Tupperware containers to make snow castles and cupcakes🎂. Don't forget the sprinkles! 

You will make a mess! It's worth it! 

We played for a long time and then kept it in a bowl. It starts to dry out but you can just add more shaving cream to bring it back to life. Hope you have fun! 

I would love to hear what kind of projects  you've been up to? 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Keeping a calendar

We are kicking off the summer by keeping busy, very busy! To keep everything organized, we decided to use our dry erase calendar (also to practice the days of the week.) Lyla knows what day (day,date, month, and year) it is EVERYDAY! It amazes me sometimes. 

We are doing summer school activities to keep her in somewhat of a routine during our busy schedule and to learn new things.  

I bought these at Easter time and they are fantastic! If you don't have them...go buy They work great and don't run out like dry erase markers. They also have a great little cloth to wipe away your mistakes or to draw a new picture. Lyla was very adamant about doing all of the numbers by herself. She is doing so great with her fine motor skills.  
We also wrote and drew pictures of all of the fun things we are doing this month like visiting a friend, going to a baseball game, and starting jazz class! This month is going to fly by but we will be making wonderful memories! 

I love this face!!! 

What are you doing to stay on schedule?