Saturday, February 11, 2012

Food, food, and more food!!!

So I feel like all I do is cook, but I love COOKING!!! Weekends are spent making yummy breakfasts, snacks, and dinners. Last week for Superbowl, we had taco soup, spinach artichoke dip, hummus and crackers, veggies, and of course BEER:).
So what's been on the menu for this week....shrimp Alfredo, turkey/avocado/bacon pitas, shrimp tacos, pizza (a weekly staple made by my hubby) and chipotle chicken and yummy rice. I am hoping to add these recipes by the end of the night.
So I haven't posted the BIG NEWS of my life yet....( drumroll please).....I got a new job!!!!! Our family is super excited!!!! I will be able to help families get out of poverty and get involved in their kids education! What a great job!!! I'm so hyped to start in a week from Tuesday. It is very bittersweet though, because I have had the opportunity to work with two of my besties for the last 4 1/2 years! We bs so well together!!! I will miss you Erin and Leann but we will be planning lunch dates and weekend sleepovers!
A few of the perks to come with the new job are summers free( I hope), more money, looking at a bigger home (which mean my own craft room (screech! Excitement!!)), and we will be closer to my parents!!! Woohoo! I'm smiling from ear to ear!

Back to the food and crafting.... I haven't sewn much this, it's just been sooo busy. Sometimes I feel like its groundhogs day...Sometimes I feel like it's groundhogs day... Heehee!:) I did finish a set of coasters(pics to come.) I also gave my mom her purse that I quilted and she loved it!!! I'm hoping to do some more tomorrow while the little one naps.

I did have a craft project go wrong today. I decided to make my daughters preschool class some goodie bags for valentines day...printed cards with her favorite characters ( Mickey mouse and Olivia), added some candy, and had a genius plan to make heart crayons. Sounds great right??? Well, right IF you have a silicone heart shaped container, WRONG IF you have a rubber, yes rubber heart shaped container. Who really knows that it was different? :) Anyway, I peeled the crayons, broke them up, put them in the little hearts, and.....popped them in the microwave. Ten minutes later, the crayons were melted but so was the tray. WTF....crap! So I think they are still salvageable so I put them in the freezer. Half hour later...take them out of freezer and voila... Crayon hearts...or so I thought. I start to pop these little boogers out and the rubber is stuck and warped and impossible to get them free. After very sore thumbs and some help from my wonderful husband, we have 16 very cute heart shaped crayons to add to the goodie bags. :) I will start taking more pictures, because it was ridiculous! :)
Well that's about it for my week, it's been a roller coaster. Wish us luck finding a new house and finding a new daycare because we will be moving soon!!! :) I will keep sharing and hope you come by to read.
P.s I forgot about the yummy cinnamon rolls that babybear and I made for the hubs... They are made with heart healthy bisquick, milk, cinnamon, brown sugar, and butter...lots of butter...and more butter! Then baked and topped with powder sugar icing...yummy! They tasted like a mix between coffee cake and cinnamon rolls. DELICIOUS! And that little cutie...that's babybear! I love her so much!!!

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